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1. Psycho-Educational Assessments

Psycho-educational assessments focus on cognitive, scholastic and emotional functioning of the learner. This assessment technique is appropriate for school-going learners. It is useful for understanding your child's current functioning and how it relates to his or her learning. Recommendations are made to assist the child in maximising his/her potential at school. The assessment includes:  

  • Cognitive, educational & emotional assessments

  • Neuro-developmental screenings

  • Sensory processing identification in relation to learning


2. School Accommodations/Concession Assessments

To determine whether or not your child may benefit from accommodations during tests/exams at school.  These may include extra time, a scribe, reader, adaptation of questions and so on.

  • Identification of barriers to learning and recommendations of appropriate accommodations


3. School-Readiness Assessments

This assesses strengths and challenges, ability to learn effectively, emotional and social readiness, and ultimately readiness for 'big-school'. Suitable for grade R learners.

  • Identifying a young learners’ readiness (emotionally, socially and educationally) to make the jump from Pre-Primary to Primary School


4. Classroom Observations

Classroom observations are useful for monitoring children's development. This is particularly useful for pre-school and early primary school learners.

  • Identification of strengths and challenging areas

  • Useful recommendations and referrals 


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